After the grand success of shows like Kyunki saas bhi kabhi bahu thi, Kahanni ghar ghar ki and kasauti zindagi ki, it's now the turn of Balaji Telefilms' Pavitra Rishta to achieve a proud landmark. The show has completed its journey of 1000 episodes and has made a very special place in the heart of many. The storyline of the show has undergone many changes which successfully catched viewers' attention. The show also welcomed new entrants to the show and even survived the replacement of the main lead Sushant Singh Rajput with Hiten Tejwani. Tellybuzz spoke to various actors of the show to know their feelings of being part of the show.
Hiten Tejwani who plays Manav says, "The journey has been very good and it feels nice on completing 1000 episodes. It's an achievement. I would like to thank the audience for their love and support."
Rithvik Dhanjani who gained immense popularity as Arjun feels that, "It's more than an honour, its more than an achievement and much more than earning respect to be a part of a show like this. In the coming future, when people talk about television, then they will remember Pavitra Rishta. I am very glad to be a part of this epic show and whenever people will talk about a show like this, they will talk about Manav, Archana and at some point they will also talk about Arjun and Purvi. I am blessed, honored and very glad of being a part of this show."
Thanking the audience, Rithvik further added, "I am thankful to the audience for all the characters... it's more than a blessing. Thank you so much for all your beliefs and everything that you have done for us. Around 100 to 200 families are running because of this show. So, if the fans wouldn't have shown their love the show wouldn't be here and those 200 families would be out of job. So, thank you so much for letting these 200 families earn a living."
Asha Negi who plays Purvi, said, "We all are feeling very proud of being a part of this show which is completing 1000 episodes. Earlier I used to watch this show when I was in my hometown and I had never thought that I would be part of this show in the near future. It's such a big show with stars like Ankita Lokhande, Sushant Singh Rajput and Hiten Tejwani. I am now a parallel lead of the show and it feels really nice and it's great being a part of the show. I would like to say to the audience that keep watching Pavitra Rishta. Many more twists are coming ahead. We are giving our best and hope you all will like it."
Tellybuzz wishes the entire team of Pavitra Rishta a hearty congratulation on this success and best wishes for upcoming episodes.
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