Ajith Kumar, who is well known for doing stunts and action scenes without using the body double is in news again. The actor is likely to undergo surgery after he wraps up Veeram which is directed by Siruthai Siva. In November 2012, Ajith got injured on the sets of Arrambam, while he was performing a dare devil stunt, in Mumbai.

The actor got hurt while he was doing an action scene of jumping from one car to another and got his right leg injured. Arrambam released its first look in Jaya TV yesterday, August 15, 2013. The show was presided over by director Vishnuvardhan and actor Arya, in which director mentioned about the Ajith's accident while performing the deadly action scene.

The director said, "Ajith Kumar's right leg got jammed in the tyre of the car, where he lied on the bonnet after he got hurt. Luckily, the actor had minor injury, but he continued with the shoot." Sources said that back to back injuries have weakened Ajith, where the doctors advised him to undergo surgery. Presently, Ajith is busy with Siruthai Siva's Veeram, which is slated to release for 2014 Pongal festival


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